Acne And Scars On Your Skin? Kick Them Out Away !

Everyone must be has experienced with acne. But not everyone knows how to handle it. If you are having a problem with acne and want to find out more information about acne, then now you are in the right place. Keep reading and kick them out of your smooth skin.

How to Get Rid of Back Acne in Women

Acne is a condition in which an individual has a large number of spots and blemishes and can develop anywhere on the body. While most of us associate it with spots around the face in teenagers, it can in fact occur at any age and anywhere on the body. For adult women it is commonly caused by fluctuations of the hormones as a result of difficult menstrual cycles, the stopping and starting of birth control pills, and pregnancy. While this is nothing to be concerned with and is perfectly normal, it can nonetheless be an unpleasant experience, especially for women who enjoy wearing dresses with low backs, or who are going sunbathing in their bikinis.
There are many ways to treat back acne however fortunately, meaning that women can normally remove the problem and allow themselves to proudly bare their back to the world. Here we will look at a few potential methods.
Use products
There are many topically applied lotions and moisturisers that aim to improve this condition. These generally aim to kill off bacteria, to remove oil and to clear away dead skin cells which contribute to acne. These will generally contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid. It may be hard in some cases to apply the lotions to your own back so you might have to enlist the help of others. You can turn this into an opportunity for a massage which will also even out the skin tone by improving circulation and emptying the lymph nodes.
Use the right shower products
In the shower look for products labelled 'non-comedogenic'. These will help to cleanse the skin without adding extra oil to the skin.
Visit a dermatolgist
They will be able to recommend whether your problem is severe enough to require prescription drugs and products. Be aware that many of these will come with side effects which might or might not be worth going through for the results.
Look into your contraceptive pills
As your acne may be caused by hormonal imbalances, contraceptive pills can either help or worsen this. Speak with your doctor and make the recommended changes.
Decrease testosterone
Lots of testosterone in the body can cause acne. As such, if you are looking to reduce it you should avoid consuming foods that will increase your testosterone levels. This includes red meats among other things.
Avoid acidic foods
Likewise highly acidic foods can also encourage acne. Avoid tomatoes in particular.
Source: Health Guidance
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